Dejan Pavluković
As a digital product enthusiast with over a decade of experience in product development, I am currently deeply immersed in the recruitment industry. I’m trying to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers by leading the product teams behind Serbia's largest job boards - Poslovi.infostud.com, HelloWorld.rs, Startuj.com, and HRLab.rs. I am always curious about how things work, how to make something better, and eager to discuss innovative solutions to challenges.
Networking & Panel 2023 - In-person, 18.00-22.00
Learning and growth of people in product development
We're looking to explore what way the companies are thinking about product-related roles, how they see the product roles evolving in their organizations, what their plans are and where those roles fit in, what their plans for product development are, what the growth of those roles is, etc.